Are we entering a time of violence as it was in Noah’s time?

 murder rates throughout the world

The violence not only in Latin America, but in all of America is evidenced by their lax gun laws, regardless of what powerful gun lobbies will have any gullible enough to believe. The fact that Mexico borders the U.S to the north, and that the flow of weapons, and drugs is virtually impossible to stop, is just  another factor in the ongoing violence perpetrated against innocent citizens in all their forms.

Map showing areazs of influence of Mexican drugs cartels

In December 2012, Enrique Pena Nieto was sworn in as Mexican president, succeeding Felipe Calderon who had launched a crackdown on the drug gangs six years earlier.

Mr Pena Nieto had campaigned on a promise to to switch the focus from tackling the gangs and hunting drug barons to reducing the crime and violence that affect the lives of Mexicans.

What is the scale of the violence?

Keeping track of the drug deaths is difficult, as official figures have been issued sporadically. Most estimates put the number of people killed in drug-related violence since late 2006 at more than 60,000. Although there is no official breakdown of the numbers, the victims include suspected drug gang members, members of the security forces and those considered innocent bystanders. However, analysts have tracked an overall reduction in violence during 2012, continuing a trend from the previous year.

Terrorism Stepped up Since 911

deaths due to terrorism



Statistics on Terrorism

last updated 6 May 2013 Note on following figures: red indicates U.S. DOS data, blue indicates RAND/MIPT data (incomplete for 1998-2004, see table below for more recent figures).



No doubt, regardless of the facts, statistical analysis cannot give accurate details of the violence in it’s many forms, being carried out upon hapless, and not so hapless human beings, whether past, present, or future. Statistical ‘experts’ all appear to have their own opinions, and analyses profiles, but that can depend on input data, and other factors, which in reality don’t amount to anything other than what we see playing out on our televisions and radio’s, on the internet etc, that we are living through some of the most violent times in our chequered history as a species!


What we need to acknowledge and accept, is that humanity in general are a violent life-form, which comes back to one great cause… Do you, does any human being know the real causes of all the atrocities humankind carries out against his fellow man, in domestic, societal, family and all forms of violence? The effects we are seeing are not new, but old, but the solutions are going to be profound, and earth shattering to say the least.

As a man once said; All of man’s problems are spiritual in nature”, and as far as the writer and others around the earth are concerned and convinced, the only solution is for mankind to return their Creator, and begin to obey God.

God forewarned mankind in the scriptures that there will come a time when he will cut short mankind’s devilish ‘reign’ on this earth, and that if he did not, there would be no flesh left alive! This is due to man’s proclivity to  violence, leading to war. This will be the situation just prior to the return to this earth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ! (See Matthew.24:21-22. This period is shown in the Bible to last for 3.5 years, preceded by a flight of God’s people, culminating with the return of the LORD in power and great glory!  (verses.29-31.)  As the writer has stated, there is a cause for these effects, and Christ highlighted this further in verses 37-42.

If you are one that fears God, and wants to avoid this coming time of world conflict, and time such as has never been, no, nor ever will be again, write for further prophetic teachings on end-time events, there is a way of escape!

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